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Testaments of Honour Partners

The Testaments of Honour Historical Archive The Testaments of Honour Historical Archive is a registered non-profit organization (Canada Revenue charitable registration # 86640 9576 RR0001). We operate through the generous financial support of governments, corporations, individuals, and organizations who appreciate the significance of the stories preserved in the collection.

Below is a list of the Foundations and Government agencies that have supported our work. Below is a list of the generous individuals who have supported our work.


For a list of our governmental, foundation, and corporation supporters, click here.


The Testaments project has no salaried staff and very little overhead. Any donation towards the costs of maintaining the Testaments Archive will be most gratefully welcomed and is tax-deductible. You can make an online donation through the CanadaHelps website, accessible by clicking these "Donate Now" links.



The work of this project would not have been possible without the endless support and personal generosity of

three individuals in particular. Testaments of Honour is forever in your debt.


Garfield Mitchell

Major-General (retired) Pierre Lalonde

Barbara Duncan


The generous support of the following individuals has been instrumental in affirming the value of the Testaments archive.

Thank you; your support has been invaluable. In alphabetical order, these generous women and men are:


John Acheson

Anna Adaszkiewicz

Doug Appleton

Hilda Ashwell

Sheridan Atkinson

St. Clair Balfour

Adam Bardach

David Barker

Wilfred Barker

Douglas G. Bassett

Stanley Biggs

Jim Birrell

Les ‘Blackie’ Blackburn

Therese Boudreau

Peter Briscoe

Robert (Bob) Buchanan

Ernest Burchell

Elward Burnside

Ron Butcher

Lauren Butler

Archie Byatt

Saul Cantor

Jacques Caron

Gail Caswell

Peter Chance

James Coffey

James H. Coffey

Robert Collins

George Collins

Nora Cook

Tony Cowling

Douglas Cunningham

David Currie

Robert Dale

Thaddeus Duncan

Michael Evans

Dick Field

Linda Finnigan

Barbara Fosdick

Philip & Ann Foster

Andrew Foulds

Joan M. Graham

Bob Grant

Marie Guimond

Bob Haden

Margaret Haliburton

Walter Hanbidge

Rosalie Hartigan

Colin Heard

E.T.B & Barbara Heathcote

Russell Hendsbee

Gordon Hogarth

William Hough

Tom Ingham

Rolph Jackson

W.S. Jackson

Arthur Johnston

J. Walter Keith

James Kenny

Jim Kenny

Jack Kerr

Stan Kisielewski

Michel Lamontagne

Tom Lane

Nathan Laurie

Richard Likely

Wally Loucks

James MacDonald

Alex MacInnis

C. Roger MacLellan

John Marsh

John Matthews

Jack McLeod

Don McNamee

Dan Moore

Ken Moore

Marc-André Morin

Kristen Morrison

John Nelles

Dan Noonan

Richard Parker

Florence Pennington

Christine Pickios

Ivor Quaggin

Gordie Quan

Gail Regan

Sherry Richardson

Charles & Alice Sharpe

Brian Shelley

Britt Smith

Jack Southern

George Squance

Elizabeth Stepniewicz

Rachel Stoparczyk

Daureen Stover

Donald Sutherland

Morden Walker

James L. Wallace

Art Wallace

Nita Walt

John Weir

Ian Weir

John B. Wilkes

Eri Wonnacott

Cyril Yarnell

Joanne Young

William Young

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