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Here is an alphabetical list of all the veterans interviewed. If you would like a copy of a veterans' interview, Contact Us and we will transfer it to you digitally.  We would be most grateful if you would consider a modest donation of $25.00 via CanadaHelps for each interview requested.

This will help offset archive expenses.


George Abbas John Acheson Alice Adams Andy Anderson John Anderson Tom Anstey Doug Appleton David Arksey Hilda Ashwell Sheridan Atkinson Elizabeth Audley-Charles Gisèle Babin Ray Baines Bill Baker Herbert Baldwin St. Clair Balfour Russell Bannock David Barker Wilfred Douglas Barker Mel Barrett Dick Bartlett Leopold Beauchamp Brenda Beech Jake Beer Lucienne Bélanger Rita Bélanger Rodolphe Belisle Jack Bennett James Bennett Paul Benson Rodrigue Berger Keith Besley Bill Bettridge Stanley Biggs Jim Birrell Arthur Bishop Les “Blackie” Blackburn George Blackburn Gérald Blackett John Blakelock Woodrow Blakely Doug Blakely Herb Boake George Borgal Jeanne Bouchard Robert Sylvio Bourret, MBE CD Frank Boyd Bob Boyle Robert Bracken John Breckenridge Elizabeth Breckenridge Dale Brecknell Ray Briggs Peter Briscoe Antonio Brisebois Frank Britten Michael Brodsky Herbert Brookhouse Cecil Brooks Keith Brown Forbes Brown Clarence Brown Jim Brownell Bob Buchanan Ernest Burchell John Burgess Russ Burrows Ron Butcher Veronica Butcher Nancy Butler Archie Byatt Hudson Byers James R. Campbell George Campbell Les Canivet Ione Canning Saul & Goldie Cantor Goldie Cantor Gwendoline-May Carette George Carlow Harvey Carmichael Jeanne Caron-D’Orsonnens Elizabeth Caron-Demers James Carrington Clive Caswell Frank Cauley Paul Chan Peter Chance William Charlton Don Cheney Stephen Chisholm Bruce Chisholm Jacques Chouinard Vince Clair John & Irene Clark Irene Clark Mabel Clements Al Clevette Ivor Cobb Jack Cockrell James H. Coffey Bert Coles Bob Collins Alex Colville John Colwell Marie-Paule Conseiller Nora Cook Lionel Cook Bill Cook John Cooper Howie Copeman Dick Corbett Donald Joseph Cornell Jack Corrie Geoffrey Corry J.G. (Geoff) Costeloe Ernest Coté J. Auguste Côté Marc Coupal Mervyn Couse Tony Cowling Walter Cox Norman Cox Tony Craven Stan Croft Marcel Croteau Jean Marcel D’Aoust Roch D’Aoust Horace (Monty) Dabbs Robert Dale Barney Danson Gerry Davis Bob Davis Jack Davis Joan de Bustin Jan de Vries Jean-Claude Demers Rod Deon Leonard Desjarlais Richard Dillon Yvonne Dion Gagnon Danielle Cuisinier Dionne John Dix John Dix Bob Dixon Jean-Claude Dubuc Marie Duchesnay-Marra Lou Duffley Phyllis Dufton Douglas Dunbar Barb Duncan Hunter Dunn Herménégilde Dussault Derek Eckersely Tom Eckford Stocky Edwards Stan Egerton Don Elliott Arnott England Bert Evans Peter Fairclough Pierre Faribault James Ferster Dick Field Jim Finnie Michael Finnis Bob Firlotte Victor Flett Dennis Flynn Jean Charles Bertrand Forbes Roy Forsey Claude Fortier Rolande Fortin Poulin Barbara Fosdick Bob Foster Andy Foulds Mary Whyte Fournier Fred Fowlow Harry Fox Donald Francis Bob Furneaux Rosino Gagliardi Francoise Bilodeau Gagné Jack Gallagher Strome Galloway Glenn Gardiner Leslie Garnham Pierre Gauthier Pierre Gauthier Beatrice Geary Joe Gelleny Lloyd George Harold Ghent Harry Gibson Tom Gilday Patricia Gill Gerald Goddard Louis Godin Yolande Godin Eddie Goodman John Gorsline Clément Gosselin Jack Gouinlock Eug√®ne Goulet Bonnie Joan Graham Kit Graham William Graham Bob Grant Kurt Grant Alex Gray Bill Grierson Tony Griffin Joe Griffith D.W. Griffiths Cécile Grimard-Masson Bob Grogan Victor Guérin Marie Guimond Ed Haddon Bob Haden Margaret Haliburton Julie Hallett Jack Hannam Ray Hardick Reg Harrison David Hart Doug Hawkes Harold (Red) Hayes E.T.B. Heathcote Fred Heather Pauline Hebb Richard Heward Dick Hilborn Werner Hirschmann Roy Hogan Gordon Hogarth Orille Hogue Doris Hope Steve Horan Don Horne William Howe Peter Huijgens Harry Humphries Harold (Hutch) Hutchinson Tom Ingham Andy Irwin Georges Isabelle Rolph Jackson W.S. (Bill) Jackson Joe Jamieson Alex Jardine Henryk Jedwab Bill Jenkins Arthur Johnston Peter Johnston Yvette Joly-David Jim Jones Gwilym Jones Phyllis Jones Mervin Jones Wally Jones James Jordan William Joyce Vic Karpinski Ken Keegan Gerry Keeler Jim Kelly Jeff Kelly Irene Kendrew James Kenny Gil Kenny Roy Kent Peter Kerr Jack Kerr Arthur Kinnis Tim Knight Robert L’Espérance Vicki La Prairie Vicki La Prairie Georgette Labatt Roland Lafontaine Simon Lambert Gilles Lamontagne Fred Lamourea Tom Lane Reg Lane Homridas Larivière Roger LaRocque Jeanne-D’Arc (Lamoureaux) Lasnier Gérard Lauzier Anna Lauzon Marthe Lauzon Marinier Lucien Lavoie C. E. Law Alan Lawrence Tom Lawrence Albert LeBlanc Léon LeBlanc Agathe Leblanc Charles Lepine John Leprich Elsa Lessard Gerald Levenston Mike Lewis Dick Likely Herb Lim John Lipton Cecil Litster Tony Little Stanley Livingston Percy (Erna) Loosemore William Loucks Wally Loucks Merv Loucks Vera Low James Low Don Lush Michael Lustgarten O. J. (Dusty) Lutes Norbert Luth William MacAskill Bill MacDonald Doug MacDonald Lloyd MacDonald Wally Mace Russ Macfarlane Alex MacInnis Don MacIntyre Ian MacKinnon Jack MacKinnon C. Roger MacLellan Bob Madill William Magee Maurice Mainguy Geoffrey Marlow Jeannine Marmette John Marsh Bob Marshall Jack Martin Red Martin Joseph A. Maruca Gord Marwick Bill Mason John Matheson Joke Matthijs Chuck Mawer Jim McCague Tom McCusker Germain McDuff Don McGregor Bernice McIntyre Corky McKay Mark McKinney Howard McNamara Anne McNamara Howard McNamara Donald McNamee Grant McRae Grant McRae Carl McVicar Bruce Medd Martin Meech Raymond Meloche Bob Middlemass Paul Mimeault George Monckton Don Montgomery Hilda Moore Pat Moore Ken Moore Lee Morgan Don Morrison Fernand Mousseau Bob Mullin Jacques Nadeau Jacqueline Nadeau Jacques Nadeau Frederick Nazar Bill Needles Jack Nelles Ken Ney Pat Nixon Madeleine Nolin Elizabeth Orford Ian Ormston Paul-Emile Ouellet Joe Ouellette Nancy Page Lou Pantaleo Madeleine Parent Ric Parker Bill Paton Chris Patton Clem Pearce E. R. Pellant CD Florence Pennington Herb Peppard Germaine Perry Bruno Petrenko C.D. Phelan Desmond Piers Madeleine Pineault-Guillet William Pippy Frank Planes Gordon M. Platt Fred Pollak Bob Porter Jim Potter Paul-Émile Pouliot Walter Prendergast Ralph Punt Gordie Quan Wilf Quinn S.V. Radley-Walters Roland Reid Keith Reynolds Jack Rice (Jean) Marcel Richard Léon Rioux Bill Ritchie Emlyn Roberts Lloyd Robertson Guy Robitaille Guy Robitaille Richard Rohmer Joseph Romanow MacGregor Roulston Larry Rowe Bill Royds Frank Rusling Bob Rutherford Arthur Sager Frank Saies-Jones Harry Saring Jim Saunders Stu Saunders Harry Schmuck Heinz Scholz Charles Scot-Brown Barbara Scott Ron Searle Fred H. Seeley Pierre Sévigny Corinne Sévigny Corinne Sévigny Mel Shear George Shearman Brian Shelley Ray Sherk Lorne Shetler Chick Sills Jack Simpson Edward Simpson Britton Smith David Smith Don Smith Eric Smith A. Britton Smith Wally Smythe Jack Southern Lawrence Spinks George Squance Jack Staley Pete Stanger Jim Stephenson Bill Stephenson Bill Stevens Kay Stevens R. V. Stevenson Neil Stewart Daureen Stover John Stroud Don Sutherland Larry Sutherland Henri Tellier William Tenhaaf Joan Thomas Mary Thomas John Thompson Alex Thorpe John Todd Tom Treherne Fernand Trépanier Fernand Trépanier Maurice Tugwell Gilles Turcot Bill Turnell Merv Utas Saunders Valensky Peter Van Der Vorst Frances van Leeuwen Agnes van Loon Sitta Van Loon-Weyler Patricia Vant Haaf George Vant Haaf Fred Vincent William Waddell Bill Waddell Tom Wagner Morden Walker Max Walker Al Wallace Art Wallace Al Wallace Les Wallace Nita Walt Joan Ward Bernatchez Stanley Wardill Reg Watt Garth Webb Reg Weeks John Weicker John Weir W. Denis Whitaker Vern White Bill Wickens Bob Wight Lloyd Wigmore John Wilkes Vern Williams Owen Williams Harvey Willis Laurie Wilmot Ralph Wilson Hill Wilson Gerry Wilson Norm Wilton Tony Winstanley Victor Wong Eri Wonnacott Karl Work Peter Worthington Cyril Yarnell Philip Young Bill Young Art Younger

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